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(You) in 208 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about you
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The number of proverbs in
: 208
What are the proverbs in the word
You do not get something for nothing
you do not get something for nothing
You cannot catch old birds with chaff
you cannot catch old birds with chaff
As you sow so shall you reap
as you sow so shall you reap
If you wish to be obeyed do not ask the impossible
if you wish to be obeyed do not ask the impossible
Cast no dirt in the well that gives you water
cast no dirt in the well that gives you water
Talk of the angel and you will hear his wings
talk of the angel and you will hear his wings
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you
If you deal with a fox think of his tricks
if you deal with a fox think of his tricks
He that will cheat at play will cheat you anyway
he that will cheat at play will cheat you anyway
You cannot judge a book by its cover
you cannot judge a book by its cover
Unless you see it do not believe it
unless you see it do not believe it
Speak fair and think what you like
speak fair and think what you like
Beware of evil that may come from one whom you helped
beware of evil that may come from one whom you helped
You can not put new wine in old bottles
you can not put new wine in old bottles
A woman a dog and a walnut tree the more you beat them the better they be
a woman a dog and a walnut tree the more you beat them the better they be
Flee from honour honour will follow you
flee from honour honour will follow you
When you are in a hole stop digging
when you are in a hole stop digging
Seek till you find and you’ll not lose your labour
seek till you find and you’ll not lose your labour
Catch your bear before you sell its skin
catch your bear before you sell its skin
If you want peace you must prepare for war
if you want peace you must prepare for war
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