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(Was) in 10 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about was
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: 10
What are the proverbs in the word
When i lent i had a friend when i asked he was unkind
when i lent i had a friend when i asked he was unkind
For want of a nail the shoe was lost for want of a shoe the horse was lost and for want of a horse the man was lost
for want of a nail the shoe was lost for want of a shoe the horse was lost and for want of a horse the man was lost
Pay beforehand was never well served
pay beforehand was never well served
Do not care was made to care
do not care was made to care
The golden age was never the present age
the golden age was never the present age
I wept when i was born and every day shows why
i wept when i was born and every day shows why
Rome was not built in a day
rome was not built in a day
When adam delved and eve span who was then the gentleman
when adam delved and eve span who was then the gentleman
The devil was sick the devil a saint would be the devil was well the devil a saint
the devil was sick the devil a saint would be the devil was well the devil a saint
Job was not miserable in his suffering as he was happy in his patience
job was not miserable in his suffering as he was happy in his patience
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