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(I) in 15 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about i
In a proverbs
i in proverbs and wisdom
proverbs and idioms about
In a proverbs
The number of proverbs in
: 15
proverbs and idioms about
When i lent i had a friend when i asked he was unkind
when i lent i had a friend when i asked he was unkind
Do as i say not as i do
do as i say not as i do
I would like to fly but i have no wings
i would like to fly but i have no wings
Mettez les points sur les i
mettez les points sur les i
Without an educator i would not know god
without an educator i would not know god
God defend me from my friends from my enemies i can defend myself
god defend me from my friends from my enemies i can defend myself
I will not pull the thorn out of your foot and put it into my own
i will not pull the thorn out of your foot and put it into my own
I wept when i was born and every day shows why
i wept when i was born and every day shows why
I taught you to swim and now you’d drown me
i taught you to swim and now you’d drown me
May god defend me from my friends i can defend myself from my enemies
may god defend me from my friends i can defend myself from my enemies
I am proud and you are proud and who shall bear the ashes round
i am proud and you are proud and who shall bear the ashes round
You scratch my back i will scratch yours
you scratch my back i will scratch yours
Heads i win tails you lose
heads i win tails you lose
I am more afraid of an army of a hundred sheep led by a lion that an army of hundred lions led by a sheep
i am more afraid of an army of a hundred sheep led by a lion that an army of hundred lions led by a sheep
He who taught me one letter i am his slave
he who taught me one letter i am his slave
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