Old age is sickness of itself

  • Proverbs and popular wisdom

    Old age is sickness of itself

    Popular Proverbs Folklore


    كبر السن مرض في حد ذاته (من بلغ السبعين اشتكى من غير عله)

    La vieillesse est une maladie en soi (celui qui a atteint l'âge de soixante-dix ans s'est plaint sans maladie)

    words in this proverb Old age is sickness of itself

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    Age in 7 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Is in 671 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Sickness in 4 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Of in 271 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Itself in 7 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about