He that forecasts all perils will never sail the sea

  • Proverbs and popular wisdom

    He that forecasts all perils will never sail the sea

    Popular Proverbs Folklore


    من يتوقع كل المخاطر لم يرفع شراعا في البحر (من يخشى البلل لا يصطاد السمك)

    Celui qui anticipe tous les dangers ne lève pas une voile dans la mer (celui qui craint l'humidité n'attrape pas de poisson)

    words in this proverb He that forecasts all perils will never sail the sea

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    That in 159 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Forecasts in 1 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    All in 96 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Perils in 1 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Will in 124 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Never in 123 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Sail in 2 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    The in 729 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Sea in 10 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about