Make not a fool of yourself to make others merry

  • Proverbs and popular wisdom

    Make not a fool of yourself to make others merry

    Popular Proverbs Folklore


    لا نجعل من نفسك منتارا للسخرية حتى تضحك الآخرين (من هانت عليه نفسه فهو على غيره أهون)

    Ne faites pas de vous une source de ridicule pour faire rire les autres.

    words in this proverb Make not a fool of yourself to make others merry

    Make in 62 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Not in 235 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about

    Fool in 22 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Of in 271 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Yourself in 10 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    To in 286 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Others in 8 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about
    Merry in 7 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about

    letters in this proverb Make not a fool of yourself to make others merry
    A in 838 list of Popular Common proverbs and idiom sample with phrase meaning in different languages about