Every man for himself and devil take the hindmost

  • Proverbs and popular wisdom

    Every man for himself and devil take the hindmost

    Popular Proverbs Folklore

    proverb meaning

    The phrase "Every man for himself and devil take the hindmost" is an idiom used to express a survival mentality where individuals are primarily concerned with their own well-being and success, often at the expense of others. It implies that in a competitive or difficult situation, people will prioritize their own interests without regard for the welfare of others. The phrase "devil take the hindmost" essentially means that those who are slower or less capable will be left behind or neglected. In essence, it conveys a sense of ruthless self-interest and a lack of compassion or cooperation, suggesting that individuals should look out for themselves first, and anyone who can't keep up or protect themselves will be left to face the consequences on their own.


    كل إنسان من أجل نفسه والشيطان يأخذ الأخير

    Chacun pour soi, le diable emporte les derniers

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