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(Longest) في 9 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن longest
في امثال
longest في امثال وحكم
امثال وحكم تحتوي علي كلمة
في امثال
عدد الامثال في
: 9
ما هي الأمثال الموجودة في كلمة
They that live longest see most
they that live longest see most
The longest journey begins with a single step
the longest journey begins with a single step
Barnaby bright barnaby bright the longest day and the shortest night
barnaby bright barnaby bright the longest day and the shortest night
A creaking door hangs longest
a creaking door hangs longest
He who laughs last laughs longest
he who laughs last laughs longest
The longest way round is the nearest way home
the longest way round is the nearest way home
The longest way round is the shortest way home
the longest way round is the shortest way home
The shortest way round the longest way home
the shortest way round the longest way home
The longest day must have an end
the longest day must have an end
حمل جميع الامثال الوجودة في هذه الكلمة بصيغة بي دي اف