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(If) في 90 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن if
في امثال
if في امثال وحكم
امثال وحكم تحتوي علي كلمة
في امثال
عدد الامثال في
: 90
ما هي الأمثال الموجودة في كلمة
If you cannot bite never show your teeth
if you cannot bite never show your teeth
If there were no receivers there would be no thieves
if there were no receivers there would be no thieves
If you can not be good be careful
if you can not be good be careful
If you cannot get what you desire desire what you find
if you cannot get what you desire desire what you find
If the cap fits wear it
if the cap fits wear it
If fools went not to market bad wares would not be sold
if fools went not to market bad wares would not be sold
If ‘ifs’ and ‘ans’ were pots and pans
if ‘ifs’ and ‘ans’ were pots and pans
If we are bound to forgive an enemy we are not bound to trust him
if we are bound to forgive an enemy we are not bound to trust him
If you do not like it you may lump it
if you do not like it you may lump it
If you are not the lead dog the view never changes
if you are not the lead dog the view never changes
If a man once falls all will tread on him
if a man once falls all will tread on him
If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun
if there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun
If you want peace you must prepare for war
if you want peace you must prepare for war
If you run after two hares you will catch neither
if you run after two hares you will catch neither
If you want something done ask a busy person
if you want something done ask a busy person
If you would be well served serve yourself
if you would be well served serve yourself
If advice will not improve him neither will the rod
if advice will not improve him neither will the rod
If all days were feasts to feast would be tedious
if all days were feasts to feast would be tedious
If two ride on a horse one must ride behind
if two ride on a horse one must ride behind
If the lad go to the well against his will either the can will break or the water will spell
if the lad go to the well against his will either the can will break or the water will spell
حمل جميع الامثال الوجودة في هذه الكلمة بصيغة بي دي اف