Beware of an oak it draws the stroke avoid an ash it counts the flash creep under the thorn it can save you from harm

  • امثال وحكم شعبية

    Beware of an oak it draws the stroke avoid an ash it counts the flash creep under the thorn it can save you from harm

    امثال شعبية تراث شعبي

    معني المثل

    The phrase "Beware of an oak it draws the stroke, avoid an ash it counts the flash, creep under the thorn it can save you from harm" is a poetic and metaphorical warning that provides advice on seeking safety during a thunderstorm or lightning. Here's the breakdown of its meaning: "Beware of an oak it draws the stroke": This suggests that oak trees, being tall and sturdy, are more likely to attract lightning strikes during a storm. Therefore, it's wise to avoid seeking shelter under an oak tree during a thunderstorm because it could be dangerous. "Avoid an ash it counts the flash": This part of the phrase implies that ash trees have a tendency to count or attract lightning flashes. So, it's advisable to stay away from ash trees during a thunderstorm as well. "Creep under the thorn it can save you from harm": In contrast, thorn bushes or shrubs are believed to provide some protection from lightning strikes. This part of the phrase suggests that taking cover under a thorn bush might offer a safer refuge during a thunderstorm. In summary, the phrase is a poetic way of cautioning against seeking shelter under certain types of trees during a lightning storm while suggesting that thorn bushes may offer some level of protection.


    "انتبه من البلوطة فإنها تجذب الصاعقة، تجنب الزان فإنها تعد الوميض، ازحف تحت الشوكة فإنها قد تنقذك من الأذى."

    "méfiez-vous du chêne, il attire la foudre, évitez le frêne, il compte les éclairs, glissez-vous sous l'épine, elle peut vous sauver du danger."

    كلمات في مثل Beware of an oak it draws the stroke avoid an ash it counts the flash creep under the thorn it can save you from harm

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