A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind horse

  • امثال وحكم شعبية

    A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind horse

    امثال شعبية تراث شعبي

    معني المثل

    The phrase "A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse" is an idiom used to convey the idea that it doesn't make much difference how something is communicated or hinted at, as long as the recipient is unable to perceive or understand it. In other words, it suggests that subtle or indirect communication is just as effective as more overt or direct communication when the recipient is oblivious or indifferent to the message. For example, if someone is completely unaware or uninterested in a situation or a hint being dropped, you might say, "Well, a nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse," to imply that it doesn't matter how the information is conveyed because the person in question won't get it anyway. It's often used in a humorous or resigned manner to acknowledge that the message is not being received or understood.


    الإيماءة جيدة مثل غمزة حصان أعمى

    Un nod est aussi bon qu'un clin d'œil à un cheval aveugle

    كلمات في مثل A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind horse

    Nod’s في 1 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن
    As في 81 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن
    Good في 118 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن
    Wink في 2 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن
    To في 286 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن
    Blind في 16 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن
    Horse في 28 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن

    الحروف الموجوده في هذا المثل A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind horse
    A في 838 اقوال امثال وحكم مأثوره قصيرة قديمة و معانيها عن